864117 The Taraxacum boreum aggregate
Northern Iceland: Rare
Northern Fennoscandia: Rare
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Rare
Eastern Greenland: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered
Geography: Amphi-Atlantic (E) - European (N): ICE NOR RUS GRL.
Notes: One microspecies of sect. Erythrosperma is reported to reach the Arctic in Siberia (Taraxacum jacuticum). Otherwise, the only region where this section reaches the Arctic is Iceland. Christiansen (1942) reported three microspecies from there. Taraxacum diversiflorum M.P. Christ. was reported from non-arctic southern Iceland. Taraxacum arrigens M.P. Christ. was reported from non-arctic eastern Iceland, assigned by Flora Europaea to sect. Ceratophora (a section not accepted from Iceland in more recent times), by Lundevall and Øllgaard (1999) with some doubts to sect. Erythrosperma. Taraxacum brachycranum Dahlst. was reported from non-arctic and arctic Iceland. This name was considered by Richards and Sell (1976) a synonym of T. fulvum Raunk., by Lundevall and Øllgaard (1999) assigned in the synonymy of T. falcatum Brenner. The two microspecies that reach the Arctic do not seem to be closely related.
- Taraxacum boreum Dahlst. - NOR.
- Taraxacum penicilliforme H. Lindb. - 2n = ___32 (4x).___
- Taraxacum rhodolepis Dahlst. - GRL.
- Taraxacum triangulare H. Lindb. - ICE.
Higher Taxa
- Taraxacum [8641,genus]