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Biogeographic region - Any - Northern Iceland (incl. Jan Mayen, ICE + NOR) Northern Fennoscandia (Norway and the Murman coast, NOR + RUS) Kanin - Pechora (RUS) Svalbard - Franz Joseph Land (NOR + RUS) Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya (RUS) Yamal - Gydan (SIB) Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya (SIB) Anabar - Onenyo (incl. the lower Lena River area, west bank, and the delta, SIB) Kharaulakh (the lower Lena River area, east bank, SIB) Yana - Kolyma (incl. the New Siberian Islands, SIB) West Chukotka (RFE) Wrangel Island (incl. Herald Island, RFE) South Chukotka (RFE) East Chukotka (incl. the Russian northern Bering Sea island of Big Diomede, RFE) Western Alaska (incl. the American northern Bering Sea islands, ALA) Northern Alaska - the Yukon Territory (ALA + CAN) Central Canada (CAN) Hudson Bay - Labrador (incl. southern Baffin Island, CAN) Ellesmere Island - northern Greenland (CAN + GRL) Western Greenland (incl. southernmost Greenland, GRL) Eastern Greenland (GRL)
Bioclimatic zone - Any - Polar desert Northern Arctic Tundra Zone Mid Arctic Tundra Zone Southern Arctic Tundra Zone Shrub Tundra Zone Bordering boreal or alpine areas
Region - Any - Canada Iceland Greenland Norway Russian Far East European Russia Siberia USA (Alaska)