Web History and Contacts
- Data parsing: Christian Svindseth originally created
the PAF database from text documents supplied by the editors.
- Website design: Christian Svindseth also developed the web application to serve the
PAF data, using Ruby and the sinatra web server. The
site was originally hosted at http://nhm2.uio.no/paf/.
- Current hosting: Since October 2018, the original website
application has been re-hosted at
http://panarcticflora.org. Please contact Cam Webb for any concerns to do with
the website.
- Institutional home of PAF: The PAF
project is now managed out of the Herbarium of
the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (ALA). Please contact Reidar
Elven, David Murray, or Steffi Ickert-Bond, the
herbarium curator, with questions about ongoing work on the Panarctic