Panarctic Flora


500203-05 The Chrysosplenium alternifolium aggregate C. alternifolium, C. rosendahlii, C. tetrandrum

Geography: Circumboreal-polar.

Notes: Elven and Petrovsky: The taxonomy of this aggregate is complicated. Some of the arctic representatives present problems: the racial division of Chrysosplenium alternifolium, the consistent separation of C. tetrandrum from C. alternifolium, and the ambiguities connected to C. rosendahlii.

Elven: In the future, the entire C. alternifolium aggregate should be studied experimentally. The options for the northern taxa are probably either as a series of four species corresponding more or less to the ploidy differences, i.e., tetraploid C. tetrandrum, octoploid C. alternifolium including subsp. sibiricum, 11-12-ploid C. arctomontanum, and 16-ploid C. rosendahlii, or as a series of at least five races combining differences in morphology and ploidy levels. Transitions are unknown between the four proposed species (even if some characters vary). The current treatment is imbalanced.

Higher Taxa