Panarctic Flora


500203 Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.

Geography: European - Asian.

Notes: Elven and Petrovsky: Chrysosplenium alternifolium has been circumscribed and subdivided in several ways. Tolmachev and Martinenko (1976) mapped nearly all the northern European Russian material from Kanin to Polar Ural as C. alternifolium, only with three dots for C. tetrandrum. Hultén and Fries (1986) mapped subsp. alternifolium in all of European Russia and east to southernmost Novaya Zemlya and to the Ob River in northwestern Siberia (probably based on Tolmachev and Martinenko). They mapped all material east of the Ob as subsp. sibiricum. Malyschev (1994a) reported the same line of division for Siberia but without arctic records of subsp. alternifolium west of the Ob. If the treatments of these authors are accepted, subsp. alternifolium reaches the Arctic in European Russian and subsp. sibiricum the Arctic in Siberia. However, Taraskina (1984b) accepted subsp. alternifolium only from the westernmost part of European Russia north to the eastern Murman area just north of Ponoj (Borderline Arctic). She assigned the material from farther east, from the Kanin Peninsula onwards, to subsp. sibiricum. We have followed this more narrow concept of subsp. alternifolium which then becomes allopatric from subsp. sibiricum.

Higher Taxa