Panarctic Flora


3309067c Carex norvegica subsp. conicorostrata Kalela


East Chukotka: Rare
Western Alaska: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Rare

Geography: Asian Beringian (or amphi-Beringian?): RFE ALA?

Notes: Egorova (1999, PAF proposal) accepted two sections. Her section Temnemis included plants mainly of seashores, with mostly pale or brownish and often awned floral scales. Her section Phacocystis s. str. included plants mainly of mires, wetlands, and freshwater shores, with blackish, awnless floral scales. There are very numerous hybrids between these two groups, some of them more or less stabilized as hybrid species (the Carex recta group).

Nakamatte and Lye (2008) analysed AFLP data and included two species of the Temnemis complex (C. paleacea and C. subspathacea) and more than ten of the Phacocystis complex. In their analysis, the Temnemis species nested within or close to one of the three main groups of Phacocystis species together with C. aquatilis and C. bigelowii. Dragon and Barrington (2009) analysed ITS, ETS, and cpDNA data. They included C. lyngbyei, C. paleacea, C. ramenskii, and C. subspathacea from Temnemis and a large number of species from Phacocystis. In their analysis, all the Temnemis species grouped with C. aquatilis s. lat. from Phacocystis. Standley et al. (2002) merged the two sections and we follow that solution but informally denote Egorova's sections as pragmatic "complexes".