Panarctic Flora


2710 Limnorchis Rydb.


Notes: The four species that reach the Arctic are assumed to be closely related. Two are diploids (Limnorchis aquilonis, L. dilatata), two tetraploids (L. huronensis, L. hyperborea). Limnorchis huronensis is an allotetraploid from L. aquilonis and L. dilatata (Wallace 2003, 2004).

Limnorchis hyperborea was previously assumed to be widely distributed from Alaska eastward to Iceland. Sheviak (1999, 2002b, as Platanthera) assigned the mainland North American plants to two other species, L. aquilonis and L. huronensis, whereas he restricted L. hyperborea to Greenland and Iceland. Limnorchis aquilonis and L. huronensis are largely sympatric throughout North America. All three species reach the Arctic. Sheviak's treatment is followed except that we treat the genus as Limnorchis.

Higher Taxa