1001 Dryopteris Adans.
- Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 20, 551 (1763) nom. cons..
- Excluded: Dryopteris abbreviata, D. dilatata.
Notes: The five species that reach the Arctic belong to three different groups, all nearly circumboreal: (a) the D. dilatata group with D. carthusiana and D. expansa as representatives reaching the Arctic; (b) the D. filix-mas group with D. filix-mas and D. marginalis as such; and (c) D. fragrans. The first-mentioned group is problematic and has been extensively investigated (see references in Montgomery and Wagner Jr. 1993 and Sarvela 2000b). Six species names have been applied to three northern species - D. dilatata (= D. austriaca auct.), D. carthusiana (= D. spinulosa), and D. expansa (= D. assimilis) - only the two last-mentioned species have documented arctic occurrences. Northwestern European authors have often confused the more temperate D. dilatata with D. expansa, whereas Russian authors have confused D. carthusiana and D. expansa.
Higher Taxa
- Dryopteridaceae [10,family]