Panarctic Flora


864613 The Hieracium alatum aggregate


Northern Iceland: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

Geography: European Atlantic (NW): ICE.

Notes: The Hieracium alpinum aggregate has been circumscribed differently by authors. Early Nordic authors included many microspecies that later authors rather would assign to the H. nigrescens aggregate. Sell and West (1976) and later British authors (e.g., Stace) have an intermediate viewpoint. Russian authors (e.g., Schljakov) have restricted sect. Alpina in an arctic Russian context to H. alpinum alone. The same may be true for northern Fennoscandia. This might mean that the fairly high number of microspecies recorded for sect. Alpina in Iceland is an artefact due to different circumscriptions of sections and that they rather should be listed under the H. nigrescens aggregate.

Higher Taxa