864203 Crepis chrysantha (Ledeb.) Turcz.
- Turcz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 11: 96 (1838). - Hieracium chrysanthum Ledeb., Fl. Altaic. 4: 129 (1833). Described from the Altai, "in summis alpibus rarius, v. gr. in monte crucis prope Riddersk, circa fontes fl. Tscharysch et alibi in tractu orientali".
(1) 8 (2x). - Siberia (S). - At least four reports for subsp. chrysantha.
(2) 16 (4x). - Siberia (S). - Krogulevich (1978), for subsp. chrysantha.
Geography: European (NE) - Asian (N/C).
Notes: Lomonosova (1997) separated northern and southern Siberian plants of Crepis chrysantha on two races. The arctic plants belong to subsp. minor.