Panarctic Flora


863402 Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.


2n= (1) 34 34-36 (2x). - Europe, Russia, Siberia, Canada. - Numerous reports, mostly for C. arvense, a few Asian ones for C. setosum.
(2) 51 (3x). - Europe (Sweden). - Lövkvist and Hultgård (1999, one locality).
(3) 68 (4x). - Europe (Poland, Bulgaria). - Czapik (1958); Kuzmanov et al. (1981, 1991).

Geography: European - Asian.

Notes: Korobkov (PAF proposal, comments) accepted Cirsium setosum but this name has been synonymized with C. arvense in western Europe where the plant in question is considered an ecotype or modification. Hultén and Fries (1986) accepted a western European subsp. arvense and an eastern European and Asian subsp. setosum.

Higher Taxa