Panarctic Flora


863104 Packera pauciflora (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve


Hudson Bay - Labrador: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= (1) 40 46 (2x). - Canada. - Afzelius (1967); Löve and Löve (1982b).
(2) ca. 130 174-184 180 (6x-8x). - Canada. - Kowal (1975); Morton (1981); Gervais et al. (1999).

Geography: North American: CAN.

Notes: Packera pauciflora and P. indecora are quite closely related and perhaps difficult to keep apart as two species (Bain and Whitton 1994). The gap in the ploidy levels was accepted by Trock (2006b) but is enigmatic. The high polyploid counts (6x-8x) are reliable. The vouchers (if any) behind the diploid counts should be inspected.

Higher Taxa