Panarctic Flora


862804-07 The Tephroseris integrifolia aggregate T. integrifolia, T. lenensis, T. lindstroemii, T. tundricola

Geography: European (N, C) - Asian (N, C) - amphi-Beringian & Cordilleran (S).

Notes: Murray and Elven: This is a possibly large, Eurasian and amphi-Pacific/Beringian group of polyploid taxa. Tephroseris tundricola has been considered a subspecies of T. integrifolia but seems to be differ consistently in morphology and ploidy levels. Some authors have included T. lindstroemii in T. tundricola as a subspecies (e.g., Korobkov 1987b; Wiebe 1997). Tephroseris lindstroemii is morphologically and probably ploidally different. We have seen no intermediates. They are two vicariant species, the former Beringian (and Cordilleran), the latter northeastern European to northern Asian.

Higher Taxa