Panarctic Flora


862201-02 The Artemisia laciniata aggregate A. arctisibirica, A. tanacetifolia

Notes: Artemisia laciniata and its relatives constitute a mainly Eurasian group with a disjunct range and where the application of names has been conflicting. Hultén and Fries (1986) mapped A. laciniata from central and southern Siberia, the Chukchi Peninsula, central Alaska, and also isolated in 2-3 small areas in north-central Europe, and A. laciniatiformis from northern Siberia, Kamtchatka, the Anadyr area, and from the Yukon Territory (see also Hultén 1968a, as A. macrobotrys Ledeb. by Hultén 1950). Hultén must have had some reason for rejection of the Linnaean name A. tanacetifolia, based on Siberian plants. Korobkov (1992) accepted the plants that reach the Arctic in the Russian Far East as A. laciniatiformis, whereas he considered A. tanacetifolia to be much more southern. Krasnoborov (1997) regarded A. laciniata Willd. to be southern Siberian. Ling (1996) considered A. laciniatiformis to be specifically different from A. tanacetifolia. Shultz (2006) considered the northwestern North American plants to be A. laciniata subsp. laciniata. In her comments, she compared it with A. norvegica (meaning A. arctica), a species we find fundamentally different in most aspects. This comparison throws doubts on her evaluation.

Higher Taxa