Panarctic Flora


861201g Arnica angustifolia subsp. tomentosa (J.M. Macoun) G.W. Douglas & Ruyle-Douglas


Northern Alaska - Yukon: Rare
Central Canada: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

2n= (1) 57 (3x). - Canada (W). - At least three reports.
(2) 76 (4x). - Canada (W). - Straley (1979); Downie (1988).

Geography: Cordilleran: CAN.

Notes: Subspecies tomentosa is mainly a northern Cordilleran race but was mapped by Hultén (1968a) with a pair of isolated arctic localities near the Mackenzie River Delta. Cody (1996) stated that it occurs disjunctly in Quebec and Newfoundland. This may mean that he included subsp. sornborgeri in it. Wolf (2006) accepted the race but assigned subsp. sornborgeri to the synonymy of subsp. angustifolia and mapped subsp. tomentosa from northwestern North America only. Subspecies tomentosa is the only race accepted (besides subsp. angustifolia) by the most recent reviewers of the group (e.g., Wolf 2006).

Higher Taxa