861201b Arnica angustifolia subsp. alpina (L.) I.K. Ferguson
Northern Fennoscandia: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered
- I.K. Ferguson, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 67: 282 (1973). - Arnica montana var. alpina L., Sp. Pl.: 884 (1753). Described from northern Sweden. Type not designated (Jarvis 2007: 316). - Arnica alpina (L.) Olin, Diss. Arnica: 11 (1799), non Salisb. (1796). - Arnica fennoscandica Jurtz. & Korobkov, Fl. Arct. URSS 10: 191 (1987). Nomen novum for Arnica alpina (L.) Olin, non Salisb.
54 56 57 60 (3x). - Europe (Norway, Sweden). - At least three reports.
Geography: European (N): NOR.
Notes: Subspecies alpina is northern Fennoscandian, geographically isolated and morphologically (slightly) separable both from the Svalbard and Greenland subsp. angustifolia s. str. and from the Russian subsp. iljinii.
Higher Taxa
- Arnica angustifolia [861201,species]