Panarctic Flora


860801-02 The Antennaria carpatica aggregate A. pulcherrima, A. villifera

Geography: Nearly circumboreal-polar.

Notes: The Antennaria carpatica aggregate belongs to the predominantly sexual group Leontipes (Bayer 2006). The main studies are by K. Urbanska (Urbanska-Worytkiewicz 1967, 1970; Urbanska 1983, 1986). Two species are accepted to reach the Arctic: the perhaps mixed sexual and apomictic Eurasian A. villifera and the sexual North American A. pulcherrima. Both are considered specifically different from the sexual central European Alpine A. carpatica (Wahlenb.) Bluff & Fingerh. and the sexual Cordilleran Alpine A. lanata (Hook.) Greene (see below).

Higher Taxa