Panarctic Flora


810601c Rhinanthus minor subsp. borealis (Sterneck) P.D. Sell


Western Alaska: Rare
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


Geography: American Pacific: ALA CAN?

Notes: Subspecies borealis is morphologically uniform in coastal and interior Alaska. We recognize this subspecies as a Pacific race. However, a reported diagnostic character (calyx pubescence) appears in northeastern Canadian and Greenlandic plants and partly in Nordic and British ones. Sell (1967) published the combination R. minor subsp. borealis (Sterneck) P.D. Sell, accepting this as a British plant but unaware that the same combination was published previously by Löve (1950: 52). Löve's combination is without sufficient basionym citation and we consider Sell's combination as the first validly published one. Even if we exclude the European, the Greenlandic, and the northeastern North American plants from subsp. borealis, there are doubts about where in Canada the limit between subsp. borealis and subsp. groenlandicus runs.

Higher Taxa