Panarctic Flora


810412 Euphrasia parviflora Schag.


Kanin - Pechora: Casual (Adventive)
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Presence uncertain
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= 44 (4x). - Europe (Denmark). - Holmen in Löve and Löve (1961d).

Geography: Amphi-Atlantic? - European: RUS** CAN?

Notes: Sell and Yeo (1970) reported this species as Euphrasia curta from the eastern shore of Hudson Bay north to the Great Whale River and in Labrador north to Nain. The authors considered it probably to be adventive in North America, which is not in accordance with occurrences in these remote areas not exactly famous for their exotics (but note that its area corresponds with that of the Moravian missionaries in Labrador, regularly receiving supplies from central Europe). There is also a problem in separation from E. nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr. 1815. Sell and Yeo considered these two different species: E. parviflora [curta] with, e.g., densely pubescent leaves and E. nemorosa with, e.g., nearly glabrous leaves. Others have often considered them conspecific and the latter name has priority.

Higher Taxa