Panarctic Flora


810212 Castilleja raupii Pennell


Northern Alaska - Yukon: Rare
Central Canada: Rare
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= 72 (6x). - Canada. - Heckard (1968); Löve and Löve (1982b).

Geography: North American (N): CAN.

Notes: Rebristaya: Castilleja raupii is close to C. rubra but, as can be seen from herbarium and original description, the former differs in glabrous stem and very weak pubescence on both leaves and bracts as well as in the absence of lanate pubescence in inflorescence.

Murray and Elven: We accept Siberian Castilleja rubra and northwestern North American C. raupii as two species.

Higher Taxa