Panarctic Flora


810207 Castilleja yukonis Pennell


Central Canada: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


Geography: American Beringian: CAN.

Notes: Rebristaya: Castilleja yukonis is confirmed from East Chukotka.

Murray: I am not convinced this is a good species; perhaps merely a depauperate Castilleja caudata.

Elven: I am less reluctant than Murray to accept C. yukonis (species or perhaps an eco-geographic race) as a characteristic component of the Yukon Territory relict prairie bluffs. Whether the Alaskan plants annotated as C. yukonis belong here is less certain (see C. caudata above). I am in even more doubts about the identity of the Chukotkan plants. Asian occurrence is not accepted before an effective comparison has been undertaken. Egger (2008) accepted this as one of three North American varieties of C. pallida.

Higher Taxa