Panarctic Flora


800601 Hippuris montana Ledeb. ex Rchb.


Western Alaska: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


2n= 16 (2x). - Canada (British Columbia). - Taylor and Mulligan (1968).

Geography: American Pacific: ALA.

Notes: Elven and Murray: One locality for Hippuris montana is documented in the Arctic, in western Alaska: St. Matthew Island, 07. Aug. 1944, leg. F.L. Beals 44379 (ALA), referred by Hultén (1968a). We have controlled the material. This is the only known locality north of its main range which reaches the non-arctic Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula. Hippuris montana is rather different from the other species, not least in its unisexual flowers.

Higher Taxa