Panarctic Flora


741503 Empetrum nigrum L.


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Northern Fennoscandia: Frequent
Kanin - Pechora: Frequent
Svalbard - Franz Joseph Land: Scattered
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Frequent
Yamal - Gydan: Frequent
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Frequent
Anabar - Onenyo: Frequent
Kharaulakh: Frequent
Yana - Kolyma: Scattered
West Chukotka: Frequent
South Chukotka: Frequent
East Chukotka: Frequent
Western Alaska: Frequent
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Frequent
Central Canada: Frequent
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Frequent
Ellesmere Island: Scattered
Western Greenland: Frequent
Eastern Greenland: Frequent
Northern arctic Tundra: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= (1) 26 (2x). - Europe, Russia (N, W), Far East, Canada (W). - Numerous reports. Diploid in FCM, Mirré (2004, 48 plants, Iceland, Austria, southern Siberia, Japan, East Chukotka, southern Alaska, British Columbia, northwestern U.S.A.).
(2) 3x. - Europe (Iceland, Faeroes), Far East (N), Alaska. - Triploid in FCM, Mirré (2004, five plants, together with diploids and tetraploids).
(3) 52 (4x). - Europe (N, C, S), Far East (N), Alaska, Canada, U.S.A. (NE), Greenland. - Numerous reports. Tetraploid in FCM, Mirré (2004, 120 plants, Jan Mayen, Iceland, Faeroes, the British Isles, Norway, Austria, the Caucasus, northern Russia, northern Siberia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland).
The European diploid counts (possibly except for a Kolguev one) belong to Empetrum nigrum s. str., the Pacific ones probably to other taxa if such ones are recognized. The arctic amphi-Atlantic tetraploid counts probably belong to E. hermaphroditum, the non-arctic European ones to plants traditionally considered as E. hermaphroditum but more similar to E. nigrum s. str. in molecular markers, and the others (Asian, western North American) to plants more different from E. nigrum s. str. in molecular markers.

Geography: Circumboreal-polar: ICE NOR RUS SIB RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Higher Taxa