Panarctic Flora


710112a Primula cuneifolia subsp. saxifragifolia (Lehm.) W.W. Sm. & Forrest


East Chukotka: Presence uncertain
Western Alaska: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

2n= 22 (2x). - Alaska. - Kelso (1991b).

Geography: American Beringian (or amphi-Beringian?): RFE? ALA.

Notes: The combination subsp. saxifragifolia (Lehm.) Hultén, Acta Univ. Lund., n. s., sect. 2, 44, 1: 1269 (1948), is superfluous.

Hultén (1968a) mapped two occurrences in East Chukotka. This region was not included by Sekretareva (1999, 2004) but she included Primula cuneifolia s. lat. from South Chukotka (Sekretareva 2004). The records from East Chukotka may have been based on specimens deposited in S, not available for the Russian compilations. Kelso (2009c) accepted presence in Chukotka.

Higher Taxa