Panarctic Flora


672402 Noccaea camtschatica (Karav.) Czerep.


2n= 14 (2x). - Far East (South Chukotka). - Zhukova (1980).

Geography: Asian Pacific: RFE.

Notes: Yurtsev: Noccaea camtschatica is a well distinguished species, clearly different from N. arctica in almost all categories of characters (see Yurtsev and Tolmachev 1975). Among the distinctions are rotundo-ovate leaves with flat, short-lived petioles; scapes subprostrate, thin; cauline leaves subamplexicaul, with or without rotundate auricles; sepals oblong with narrow hyaline margins, shorter than petals; siliquas on short, patent pedicels, acutely lanceolate along septum, etc. The other Russian Far East and Beringian perennial species are much more similar to N. cochleariforme.

Higher Taxa