Panarctic Flora


672201 Cochlearia officinalis L.


Geography: European Atlantic.

Notes: A thorough study of the northern European tetraploids (Cochlearia officinalis) has been undertaken by Nordal and collaborators (Nordal et al. 1986; Nordal and Laane 1990; Nordal and Stabbetorp 1990; Nordal and Bjorå in prep.). These authors demonstrated an eco-geographic differentiation recognized as three races. All three are separable on a few morphological and physiological criteria. They very rarely grow close together even if their general ranges are sympatric and intermediates occur. The Fennoscandian races entered below are therefore ecological and physiological more than geographical ones. Nordal and Bjorå (in prep. Flora Nordica), in addition, assign the Icelandic diploid plants to C. officinalis as a fourth race, based om morphological, cytological, and molecular evidence. We fully accept two subspecies - subsp. officinalis and subsp. islandica - and include the two others provisionally after subsp. officinalis.

Higher Taxa