672144 Draba grandis Langsd.
- Langsd. in DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 355 (1821). Holotype (GH): Alaska: the Pribilof Islands, "Ins. S. Pauli (inter Kamtschatkam et Americam)", 1819, leg. Fisher. - Nesodraba grandis (Langsd.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 253 (1898).
- Draba hyperborea Desv., J. Bot. Appl. 3: 172 (1815), non Alyssum hyperboreum L., Sp. Pl.: 651 (1753). Described from northwestern North America. - Nesodraba hyperborea (Desv.) Jurtz., Bot. Zhurn. 58: 1748 (1973).
36 (4x, x = 9). - Canada (British Columbia). - Mulligan (1966).
Not included: An odd count of n = 19 from the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia is explained by Taylor and Mulligan (1968).
Geography: Amphi-Pacific/Beringian: RFE ALA.
Notes: Al-Shehbaz et al. (2010a: 310) commented: "Except for its fleshy leaves, Nesodraba is indistinguishable morphologically and molecularly from other species of Draba".
Higher Taxa
- Draba [6721,genus]