Panarctic Flora


672124 Draba magadanensis Berkut. & A.P. Khokhr.


West Chukotka: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Presence uncertain
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


2n= 16 (2x). - Far East (Magadan area). - Khokhrjakov and Berkutenko (1979); Berkutenko et al. (1984).

Geography: Asian Beringian: RFE?

Notes: Elven and Grundt: Berkutenko (1988) mapped Draba magadanensis only from non-arctic parts of the Magadan region but there are many recent collections (in MHA!) from farther north. It may reach the Arctic in the Kolyma Mountains north of Magadan.

This fairly recently described species is a close parallel to diploid D. palanderiana in generative features, with an open inflorescence of large, pale yellow flowers on slender pedicels, and with the same pattern in infrutescence shape, fruit shape, and fruit half-abortion. It differs appreciably in the leaves which are narrowly lanceolate to nearly linear, with thickened midvein and margins, and with abundant simple marginal hairs (cilia) and only scattered stellate hairs. We have had no information about this species from Russian collaborators and became aware of it late. It is documented (in MHA) from Kamtchatka and in a large material from the Magadan area north to the Kolyma Mountains. At present it is best considered a species.

Higher Taxa