672119 Draba taimyrensis Tolm.
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Rare
- Tolm., Fl. Arct. URSS 7: 135 (1975). Holotype (LE!): Siberia: Taimyr, "ad sinum JamuBaikura lacu Taimyrensi", 12. Aug. 1947, leg M.I. Wellikainen.
Geography: Asian (N): SIB.
Notes: Petrovsky and Elven: Draba taimyrensis has a certain range in the Taimyr Peninsula (Tolmachev 1975b). The material studied (LE) varies among populations in pubescence of leaves, fruits, and pedicels. Some plants combine characters of D. lactea and D. parvisiliquosa. The following characters keep it together: leaves narrow with a broad and thick, marcescent midvein, with marginal cilia and with long-stalked dendritic hairs on the surface (long-stalked hairs are absent in both D. lactea and the D. cinerea group where D. parvisiliquosa should belong); scapes with short simple or branched hairs and without or more often with 1-2 leaves (such leaves are very rare in D. lactea but common in the D. cinerea group); infrutescence short with fairly few fruits; and fruits narrow, comparatively small, and with some short simple and few-branched hairs (glabrous in D. lactea). Draba taimyrensis is provisionally accepted. Another hypothesis is that it could be a local, fertile hybrid swarm.
Higher Taxa
- Draba [6721,genus]