Panarctic Flora


672115 Draba oligosperma Hook.


Central Canada: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

2n= (1) 32 (4x). - North America (W). - Chinnappa and Chmielewski (1987).
(2) ca. 60 64 (8x). - Canada. - Rollins (1966, 2n = ca. 60); Mulligan (1972, eight counts).
Vouchers for the two ploidy levels should be compared.

Geography: Cordilleran: CAN.

Notes: Eriksen and Elven: Draba oligosperma was found in 1999 in a locality on Victoria Island (B. Eriksen, specimens in GBG, ALA, CAN, and O, identified by Elven). The distance to the nearest locality, in the non-arctic parts of the Mackenzie Mountains (Porsild and Cody 1980), is rather long (ca. 1000 km).

Higher Taxa