Panarctic Flora


672110 Draba macounii O.E. Schulz


Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


2n= 64 (8x). - Canada (British Columbia). - Mulligan (1976, two counts).

Geography: Cordilleran: ALA CAN.

Notes: Cook and Roland (2002) mapped Draba macounii from five localities in the northeastern Brooks Range and in the Richardson Mountains. Specimens are known from additional Alaskan arctic localities (ALA).

Petrovsky (in comment) proposed a possible relationship to the Beringian D. tschuktschorum. Elven (in comment) rather finds its relationship to be with taxa of the D. alpina aggregate, e.g., D. "pseudo-oxycarpa". It differs, however, both from D. alpina and from D. oxycarpa + D. "pseudo-oxycarpa" in leaf pubescence and fruit characters.

Higher Taxa