672105 Draba tschuktschorum Trautv.
Wrangel Island: Rare
East Chukotka: Scattered
Mid Arctic Tundra: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
- Trautv., Fl. Terr. Tschukt.: 12 (1878). Described from the Chukchi Peninsula, East Chukotka (the Russian Far East). For type, see notes.
- Draba aleutica subsp. arctoberingensis Jurtz. & V.V. Petrovsky nom. nud..
Geography: Asian Beringian: RFE.
Notes: The arctic range of Draba tschuktschorum includes East Chukotka and Wrangel Island.
Petrovsky: The name D. tschuktschorum should be restored as valid for the taxon more recently treated as D. aleutica subsp. arctoberingensis. The yellow color of petals ("petalis flavis") is highlighted in Trautvetter's description of D. tschuktschorum. Many yellow-flowered plants from Wrangel Island, the Chukchi Peninsula, and the Anadyr River basin correspond with this description. However, the indicated type specimen of D. tschuktschorum (in LE!) was identified by Elven as the white-flowered D. fladnizensis and does not fit the description in other aspects either.
Elven: The responsibility is not mine alone. Berkutenko (1988: 85) reached the same conclusion about the LE specimen but her evaluation was neglected by other Russian botanists. Egorova (in comment) proposed to select an epitype that fits with the description and with the plant currently considered as D. aleutica subsp. arctoberingensis. This measure is justified because the indicated type specimen is in serious conflict with the protologue (see above).
Higher Taxa
- Draba [6721,genus]