671314 Cardamine "hyperborealis" V.V. Petrovsky & Elven (ined.)
- Cardamine hyperborea auct. ross. p.p., non O.E. Schulz (1903).
42 (6x, x = 7). - Far East (East Chukotka). - Zhukova and Tikhonova (1973, for C. hyperborea).
Geography: Asian Beringian: RFE.
Notes: Carlsen, M.H. Jørgensen, and Elven: The 2n = 42 plants assigned to Cardamine hyperborea auct. ross. are problematic. They are found in a region (East Chukotka) where C. digitata only is known with 2n = 28 but C. blaisdellii with both 2n = 28 and 42. In the microsatellite analysis, these plants group with C. digitata but they contrast sharply with C. digitata morphologically in, e.g., much larger flowers and in basal leaves with much broader leaflets with triangular lobes (nearly linear in C. digitata). The three collections are from three different sites in East Chukotka but are similar morphologically. In our opinion, they combine the morphology of C. digitata (e.g., in stem leaves and general shoot structure) and of C. blaisdellii (flower size and basal leaves). They may either be clones from primary hybrids or allopolyploids. The pollen is irregular (quite regular in both C. blaisdellii and C. digitata) but all plants were collected too early in the season to say anything about fruit fertility. The present evidence points towards a hybrid but we enter it provisionally as a species. Cardamine "hyperborealis" comprises about half of what has been treated as C. hyperborea auct. ross. The other half merges with C. blaisdellii (see above).
Higher Taxa
- Rorippa [6713,genus]