670905-06 The Braya pilosa aggregate B. pilosa, B. thorild-wulffi
Geography: Asian (N) - amphi-Beringian - North American (N).
Notes: Elven, Murray, and Petrovsky: Braya pilosa and B. thorild-wulffii are two tetraploids considered by Petrovsky (1975a) related as subspecies: the amphi-Beringian and perhaps northern Asian subsp. pilosa and the mainly Canadian and Greenlandic subsp. thorild-wulffii. The majority of authors have accepted two species, e.g., Harris (1985). Together they differ in several morphological characters from B. glabella s. lat., not least the short, thick, and strongly hairy fruits. This separation is supported by the molecular analysis of Warwick et al. (2003b).
Higher Taxa
- Braya [6709,genus]