Panarctic Flora


670206 Smelowskia borealis (Greene) W.H. Drury & Rollins


Western Alaska: Rare
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

2n= 12 (2x). - Alaska. - At least four reports for var. villosa, var. jordalii, and var. koliana.
Not included: The Asian chromosome reports referred by Löve and Löve (1975a) for Ermania borealis (= Smelowskia borealis) belong to S. parryoides. The Löves confused these two species.

Geography: American Beringian: ALA CAN.

Notes: Murray and Elven: Drury and Rollins (1952) and Rollins (1993) divided Smelowskia borealis on several varieties. We are skeptical to whether a consistent division is possible and this doubt was expressed earlier by Gjærevoll (1963), Hultén (1968b), and Yurtsev (in comments). Warwick et al. (2003a) found no molecular support for a division but their markers probably would not have resolution at such low taxonomic level. Al-Shehbaz (2010f) discussed the variation but refrained from accepting infraspecific taxa.

Higher Taxa