Panarctic Flora


641059 Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch.


Northern Iceland: Rare
Northern Fennoscandia: Present only in the Borderline Arctic
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= (1) 28 (4x). - Europe (N), Russia (W). - Numerous reports.
(2) 35 (5x). - Europe (C). - Skalinska and Czapik (1959, one count, with tetraploids).
Not included: Reports of 2n = 14, 18, 21, 28, and 38 from the Caucasus (Magulaev 1979; Davlianidze 1985).

Geography: European - Asian (W): ICE (NOR RUS).

Notes: Section Anserina (or the Chenopotentilla or Argentina group) is distinct morphologically in Potentilla s. lat. but not as distinct molecularly as, e.g., Dasiphora and Comarum, see Eriksson et al. (1998). Soják (2004) accepted the genus Argentina but Soják (2007) considered it a sect. Anserina of Potentilla. We retain the group inside Potentilla.

Higher Taxa