Panarctic Flora


641042 Potentilla nubilans Soják (ined.?)


Eastern Greenland: Rare
Northern arctic Tundra: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Rare


Geography: North American (Greenlandic, E): GRL.

Notes: Elven and Aiken: Yurtsev (PAF proposal) assumed Potentilla nubilans to be a hybrid species from crosses between P. arenosa subsp. chamissonis and P. hyparctica, only known from Ardencaple Fjord in eastern Greenland. Plants with a similar assumed parentage have been found in the Canadian material (CAN, DAO) from 1-2 localities in Baffin Island. They form populations but there is no firm evidence of further stabilization after hybridization. We are reluctant to accept P. nubilans as worth rank.

Higher Taxa