Panarctic Flora


641027a Potentilla villosula subsp. congesta Jurtz.


East Chukotka: Frequent
Western Alaska: Frequent
Southern Arcti Tundra: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


Geography: Amphi-Beringian: RFE ALA.

Notes: Elven and Murray: The range of Yurtsev's Potentilla villosula subsp. congesta is enclosed within that of the main race. It differs in retention of whole leaves for several years (on P. villosula s. str., P. villosa, and P. vulcanicola only sheaths and petioles are retained). This character suggests genes from P. subvahliana with which subsp. congesta is sympatric. Subspecies congesta, if hybridogeneous, may have a different parentage from P. villosula s. str. If so, it should be considered for rank as an independent (hybrid) species. Until this hypothesis is supported experimentally, it is entered provisionally as a race under P. villosula.

Higher Taxa