Panarctic Flora


640905 Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser.


West Chukotka: Frequent
South Chukotka: Scattered
East Chukotka: Frequent
Western Alaska: Scattered
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Central Canada: Rare
Ellesmere Island: Rare
Eastern Greenland: Rare
Northern arctic Tundra: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= (1) 56 (8x). - Far East (N), Canada, U.S.A. (W). - Several reports.
(2) 70 (10x). - Far East (N), Alaska, Canada (NW, W), U.S.A. (W). - Numerous reports.
Löve and Löve (1975a) omitted the reports of octoploids but several reports published both before and after their Atlas confirm this ploidy level.

Geography: Amphi-Beringian - North American (N) & Cordilleran: RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Higher Taxa