Panarctic Flora


640806 Dryas integrifolia Vahl

Geography: Amphi-Beringian - North American (N).

Notes: Elven and Murray: The circumscription and subdivision of Dryas integrifolia is disputed, see, e.g., Hultén and Fries (1986) who included D. incisa (and D. crenulata) in it. Yurtsev (1997) included three species in his subsect. Tenellae - D. crenulata, D. chamissonis, and D. integrifolia - as an evolutionary series. We tentatively accept D. crenulata but include D. chamissonis in D. integrifolia subsp. integrifolia. The two subspecies below were not accepted by Yurtsev but we consider them major geographical races. There is some support for them in the molecular study of Tremblay and Schoen (1999) where several Pleistocene refugia were indicated for D. integrifolia s. lat.

Higher Taxa