Panarctic Flora


640805 Dryas crenulata Juz.


West Chukotka: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


Geography: Asian (NE): RFE.

Notes: Elven and Murray: Yurtsev considered Dryas crenulata a geographically restricted northeastern Asian species that reaches West Chukotka as rare. Hultén (1959b) rather considered it a name for the assumed widespread hybrids between D. integrifolia and D. octopetala s. lat. Hultén's assumption is countered by the type of D. crenulata being from Burjat-Mongolia, nearly 3800 km from the nearest known D. integrifolia. The different interpretations may have been influenced by the 'phylogenetic' hypotheses. Yurtsev saw D. crenulata as close to the ancestral part of the evolutionary branch leading to D. integrifolia s. str., i.e., supporting an Asian origin also of this mainly North American branch. We have no personal experience with D. crenulata and do not have any informed opinion supporting acceptance or refutation, except that we do not believe in Hultén's hypothesis.

Yurtsev: The restricted concept of this eastern Siberian calcicolous species is adopted (Yurtsev 1984c). The Chukotkan and Alaskan plants referred by Kozhevnikov (1979) and Porsild (1947) to this species are considered by me (by the combination of characters) to belong to a breviserrate form of D. incisa.

Elven: Polozhij (1988c) mapped D. crenulata north to the Arctic along the Jenisei River (Taimyr). Yurtsev would probably not have accepted these plants as D. crenulata and we have omitted the region.

Higher Taxa