Panarctic Flora


630626 Oxytropis katangensis Basil.


Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Rare


2n= (1) 64 (8x). - Siberia. - Krogulevich (1971).
(2) 96 (12x). - Siberia (N). - Ledingham and Rever (1963).

Geography: Asian (N): SIB.

Notes: Elven: White-flowered. Oxytropis katangensis is a local species in the northern parts of the Jenisei and Khatanga region, known only from a few localities according to Yurtsev (1986: 127).

Yurtsev: Oxytropis katangensis is a subarctic taxon with some characters of the arctic O. sordida s. str. and possibly an ancestral type for the latter.

Elven and Tribsch: The indicated octoploid to dodecaploid O. katangensis should not be considered ancestral to hexaploid and nearly allopatric O. sordida s. str. Material we have inspected from the Khatanga River area differs well from both O. campestris (including O. sordida) and O. leucantha. Specific rank is probably deserved.

Vassiljev (1948) reported the name O. schischkinii to have been first published in "Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 11 (1948)". This publication was probably intended to validate the names used in Flora URSS. However, it seems never to have appeared, at least not until 1960 (see above).

Higher Taxa