Panarctic Flora


630607 Oxytropis arctobia Bunge


Central Canada: Frequent
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Scattered
Northern arctic Tundra: Presence uncertain
Mid Arctic Tundra: Frequent
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Rare

2n= 16 (2x). - Gillett et al. (2007, secondary report).

Geography: North American (N): CAN.

Notes: Yurtsev: I consider Oxytropis arctobia to be clearly different from and outside the O. nigrescens aggregate.

Elven and Murray: We agree with Yurtsev. Gillett et al. (2007, on the authority of Barneby 1952 and Welsh 2001) treated O. arctobia as a var. uniflora of O. nigrescens. We have seen nothing morphologically supporting a merger of O. arctobia with other species of the O. nigrescens group. The fairly large material we have seen of O. arctobia differs in several characters and with no transitions to other species.

Welsh (2001) suggested a holotype for var. uniflora in LE, which seems improbable for a Hooker name based on a Canadian plant.

Higher Taxa