Panarctic Flora


630511 Astragalus kolymensis Jurtz.


West Chukotka: Frequent
South Chukotka: Scattered
Mid Arctic Tundra: Presence uncertain
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= (1) 64 (8x). - Far East (N). - Several reports, numerous counts.
(2) 96 (12x). - Far East (West Chukotka). - Zhukova (unpubl.).

Geography: Asian (NE): RFE.

Notes: Murray and Elven: We found Astragalus kolymensis morphologically close to A. tugarinovii and also sympatric with it in Chukotka. Yurtsev confirmed the sympatry but stated that the former sharply differs from the latter in very short, flat, appressed and scale-like scattered hairs and almost filiform calyx teeth, in edaphic preference (A. kolymensis on acidic rocks, A. tugarinovii on circumneutral to basic rocks) and also in ploidy levels. He considered, however, A. kolymensis to have been derived from A. tugarinovii.

Higher Taxa