Panarctic Flora


520202 Chamerionintermedium (Wormsk.)


Western Greenland: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Presence uncertain

Geography: North American (Greenlandic): GRL.

Notes: Elven and Murray: The Greenlandic Chamerion x intermedium (described as Epilobium intermedium) is stated to approach C. latifolium morphologically. We assume that the name refers to the hybrid between C. angustifolium and C. latifolium reported by Böcher (1962) from Disko Island and subsequently also reported from several places in southern and southwestern Greenland (Fredskild 1984). During many years together with both C. angustifolium and C. latifolium, we have seen no evident hybrid and it must be rare. If it has a range in Greenland, some stabilization must have taken place and it deserves rank and full entry in the Checklist. The scant material we have seen is convincing but we still would like to see it confirmed as an independently reproducing taxon.

Higher Taxa