Panarctic Flora


500116 Micranthes unalaschensis (Sternb.) Gornall & H. Ohba


East Chukotka: Presence uncertain
Western Alaska: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


Geography: Amphi-Beringian: RFE? ALA.

Notes: Zhmylev: Micranthes unalaschensis is a southern Beringian boreal species, distributed mainly in the Commander and Aleutian islands. It may occur also on the Bering Sea islands and on the coast of Chukchi Peninsula and Alaska see map by Hultén (1968a), from where transition forms to M. calycina (hybrids?; Siplivinsky 1976) are known.

Murray and Elven: Micranthes unalaschensis is documented (ALA) to occur as rare in the Arctic in southwestern Alaska. Transitions towards M. calycina occur farther north.

Higher Taxa