500114 Micranthes razshivinii (Zhmylev) Brouillet & Gornall
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent
- Brouillet & Gornall, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1: 1021 (2007). - Saxifraga razshivinii Zhmylev, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 95, 3: 87 (1990). Holotype (DAO): Canada: the Yukon Territory, the British Mountains, the Mount Sedgwick area, 19. July 1962, leg. J.A. Calder 34478.
Geography: American Beringian: ALA CAN.
Notes: Zhmylev: Micranthes razshivinii is a Yukon Territory and northeastern Alaskan hypoarctic species, similar to M. calycina but differs from it in glabrous inflorescence, spathulate leaves with fewer than 7 teeth, and long rhizome.
Murray and Elven: An inspection of material from Alaska and the Yukon Territory (ALA) gave support to two parapatric taxa: Micranthes razshivinii in the Yukon Territory and the eastern and northeastern parts of Alaska west to 152 W in both the Alaska and Brooks ranges, overlapping with M. calycina which occurs westwards from 149 W in both ranges and farther south in Alaska, but perhaps not in the Yukon Territory.
Higher Taxa
- Micranthes [5001,genus]