Panarctic Flora


420211a Cerastium regelii subsp. regelii


Yana - Kolyma: Scattered
West Chukotka: Scattered
Wrangel Island: Presence uncertain
South Chukotka: Scattered
East Chukotka: Rare
Western Alaska: Scattered
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Central Canada: Rare
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= 72 (4x). - Russia (N), Siberia (N), Far East (N), Alaska. - Several reports.
There are two reports from Wrangel Island where Pavlova and Bezdeleva (1996) did not accept this taxon.

Geography: Asian (NE) - amphi-Beringian - North American (N): SIB? RFE ALA CAN.

Notes: Whether the pubescent, small-flowered and predominantly Asian Cerastium jenisejense and the glabrous-subglabrous, large-flowered and Asian-American C. regelii s. str. belong within one subspecies is still undecided. Morton (2005a) thought so in treating these plants for Flora of North America. We assign them on two races.

Elven and Petrovsky: Subglabrous to glabrous plants replaces the pubescent taxon jenisejense (see below) in northern Beringia and into northern Canada eastwards at least to Hudson Bay, perhaps to Baffin Island. These were named by Hultén as C. beeringianum var. glabratum, considered by him to be hybrids between C. beeringianum and C. "regelii", but they include the type of C. regelii. Hultén reported them from Cape Krusenstern in Alaska and from several parts of Canada: Baffin Island (several places), Southampton Island, Rankin Inlet, Prince Charles Island, and Prince Patrick Island. We have seen much additional material from northwestern and northern Alaska and the northern, low-arctic parts of Canada.

Higher Taxa