Panarctic Flora


420116b Stellaria longipes taxon davurica


West Chukotka: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Presence uncertain
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


2n= 62 78 (5x-6x).

Geography: Asian (NE): RFE?

Notes: Petrovsky (PAF draft) indicated presence of Stellaria davurica in the Arctic in the Russian Far East, whereas Palvola and Bezdeleva (1996) did not accept Russian Far East records. Vlasova (1993) mapped it as southern in Siberia and not to reach the Arctic. These ambiguities are not resolved. Stellaria davurica resembles morphologically S. edwardsii (or S. ciliatosepala). Arctic records might belong to the latter species.

Petrovsky: Stellaria laxmannii is perhaps a synonym for S. davurica.

Higher Taxa