Panarctic Flora


410714b Rumex acetosa subsp. islandicus (Á. Löve) Ö. Nilsson


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

2n= 14 (female) / 15 (male) (2x). - Europe (Iceland). - Löve and Löve (1948, 1956b, partly for subsp. alpestris [= R. lapponicus] but that taxon is not recognized from Iceland).

Geography: European (NW): ICE.

Notes: Nilsson (2000) considered subsp. islandicus to be a local race in Iceland and the Faeroes. The differential characters for subsp. islandicus vs. subsp. acetosa are rather weak (Nilsson 2000): inflorescence dense vs. lax, stem often lower than 40 cm vs. often taller than 40 cm, number of nodes below the inflorescence 2-3 (4) vs. 3-5 (6). However, the Icelandic plants superficially look rather different from Rumex acetosa s. str.

Higher Taxa